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clever guts digestive reboot (1)

Watch the coaching videos below.

1. Welcome to Clever Guts Digestive Reboot! Start with this video first. It's time to reset your gut health, remove toxins and pathogens while increasing vitamin & mineral absorption

2. There's a few myths & fads you need to let go of to get the best results, and you need to know about Ammonia gas. Here I discuss portion sizes for animal protein.

3. With over 20 years experience and working with thousands of people around the world , we narrowed down Five Health Pillars to focus on. Here they are.

4. How To Restore Gut Function and eliminate mucus build up which prevents mineral & vitamin absorption such as B12 and Iron.

5. The best probiotics are the ones you can grow in your garden. The good news is that in most climates they can be grown year-round.

6. Common bacterial & viral infections and toxin build up can create serious issues. The good news is that certain foods are anti viral & anti bacterial which repair healing.

7. The types of supplements you need for the best results

8. Foods to Avoid.

9. The types of supplements you need for the best results

10. Your Adrenal Stress Quiz results explained

11. Follow this sleep routine for the best results. Deep restful sleep is a key factor to the healing of the body as a whole.

12. Watch the Gut Health Mastery replay here. Inside we detail common diseases and provide approaches for each.