ATTENTION Mums & Dads Who Feel Sluggish, Bloated, Overweight and Overtired...

Here's How To Double Your Energy, Lose Between 2 - 6kgs, Restore Deep Sleep And Remove Years Of Built Up Toxins In Just 11 Days - Guaranteed!


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Are you sick of aching joints, unresolved pain, migraines, headaches, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, hormone imbalances and skin issues? Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed and have irritable moods, stubborn bodyfat and gut dysfunction? At Jennings Holistic Health Coaching we are committed to resolving health issues as quickly as possible with a natural approach.

Over the past 20+ years we’ve helped thousands of people around the world resolve niggly and chronic health issues without years of hardwork and trial and error. We have a 90% success rate at helping people just like you move beyond challenging health issues quickly.

Heidi and Steve in Tauranga Alley
Steve & Heidi Jennings, Holistic Health Coaches and #1 Amazon Best Selling Authors

Simply Follow Our Blueprint To Success And Save Yourself Time Effort And Money.

Breaking through stubborn health symptoms is easier than you think – the issue that holds you back is all of the misinformation that you come across. Your body is always fighting for you everyday, and already knows how to heal.

Your liver is your largest internal detox organ and it’s subject to more stress and environmental toxins than ever before. It can hold on to years built up toxins to keep the rest of your body safe. If these toxins build up to an unmanageable level, the liver may release them into the blood stream where they circulate the body. This leads to a host of health issues like digestive issues, bowel problems, poor sleep, dark circles under the eyes, stubborn bodyfat and mental health issues to name a few.

The good news is, many of these issues can be reversed by helping the liver to release toxins that have been held onto for years. Think of this as a deep detox and taking the garbage to the dump that’s been piling up for years!

Here's The Proof!

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I used the Jennings Holistic Health Coaching Super Cleanse to kickstart some healthier habits leading into summer. I improved my sleep, overall feeling of wellness and dropped 3.8kgs! Anna Standen ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“Apart from great weight loss, my long covid that I have been suffering from has significantly reduced. If you have long covid definitely try this!” Krystle ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“What a difference this has made – I was a big coffee drinker and now I drink only one cup per day. I fall asleep easier and wake feeling refreshed. Best of all I lost 4kgs in 11 days!” Tania ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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“The results have been excellent – I’ve lost 8.5kgs in 11 days, have better energy, and feel far less stressed!” James ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“What a gamechanger! I feel AMAZING! After 25 years on medication I didn’t know I would feel this good!” Renee ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The 11 Day Spring Cleanse Has A 90% Success Rate At Relieving Symptoms

This program works so well is because it simply feeds your liver with fuel that rebuilds digestive acids, kickstarts the detoxification process and clears the bowels. This results in removing harmful toxins from the body, therefore restoring regular hormonal balance, burning excess bodyfat and delivering cleaner blood to the working organs. This means you get amazing sleep, great weightloss and next level energy.

Here are the details for the our 11 Day Super Cleanse starting shortly.

This program is a must if you are suffering from:

  • stubborn bodyfat (we’ve had losses of up to 8.5kgs!)
  • long covid
  • sleep issues, waking up tired
  • hormonal issues such as menopause or PMS
  • auto-immune dysfunction
  • low energy/fatigue
  • gut diseases
  • pain and inflammation in the body
  • history of viral/bacterial infections
  • mental health issues – vertigo, anxiety, depression, brain fog etc

How it works:

It’s a deep liver cleansing program that is broken specifically into three segments.

The first segment (days 1, 2 & 3) is to prepare the liver to purge toxins it has been holding onto.

The second segment (days 4, 5 & 6) is to gently package up the toxins and remove them safely.

The third segment (days 7, 8 & 9) is to dive deeper into the liver and remove more severe toxins and other unwanted nasties that you may have held on to for many years

Transition Phase (days 10 & 11) help you ease back into a more regular day to day living and carry forward some habits.

Some detox programs can purge toxins too quickly all at once into the bloodstream, and this means the toxins get reabsorbed by the liver. This cleanse is about releasing toxins gradually so they can be eliminated from the body for good.

What Foods Can I Eat?

Firstly, you do not need any expensive supplements. If you are on medication then keep taking your medication as prescribed.

You will be eating heaps of live raw fruits like apples, bananas, mango, raisins and grapes. Heaps of vegetables like celery, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbages and lettuces. Meals like salads, soups smoothies and juices. If you do not have a juicer, you can do this program without doing the juices. You will be able to eat some animal meat in the first three days. The following six days is plant based to maximise health recovery.

The great thing about this program is that you can eat as much of the prescribed healing foods as you need too. There is no portion control. You will need to give caffeine and alcohol a miss for at least the first nine days of the program.

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Challenge Start date: Monday 12th February (you are permitted to adjust your start date if you need too)

Zoom group session: Sunday 11th February 6.30pm

Registrations close Sunday 11th Fenruary at 5pm. We are limiting this to 20 people so please be quick. The last Super Cleanse Challenge in spring sold out in just over 48 hours.

If you are committed to achieve amazing results quickly, and kicking off 2024 with some real momentum, just register your payment below via the Paypal button. Then we can send you out your manual, meal plan and grocery list via email.

Here's What's Included In The 11 Day Spring Super Cleanse Challenge

Save $100 NOW.

The Normal Price of the Super Cleanse is $197.00, But Today You Can Lose Up To 6kgs, Reduce Joint Pain And Other Stubborn Health Issues In The Next 11 Days For The Low Cost Of Just $147.00

Backed By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Simply follow our plan for 11 days at 95% adherence and if you don’t lose at least 2.5kgs, increase your energy and improve deep restful sleep, we’ll refund your money.


Be quick! We have just 20 spots available and the doors shut at 5pm Sunday 11th February....then the price goes back to $197.00. Click the buy now button to secure your spot and take advantage of this amazing deal!

11 Day Super Cleanse Starts