Ultimate Breakthrough Programme Download

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Welcome to the Ultimate Health Breakthrough Programme!

  1. Please take your Adrenal Stress Quiz
  2. Print off your Gut Health Reset Manual below.
  3. Watch your coaching videos below if needed and take notes.

You should watch all of your videos before your one to one private coaching session.

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Video 1. Understanding your Adrenal Stress Quiz Results
In this video I help you understand the symptoms assosciated with each level of adrenal dysfunction. You must complete your adrenal stress quiz first before watching the video.

Video 2. How to Control Cortisol Naturally – Here I teach you how to control your cortisol hormones using food. This is important to help you wind down and sleep each night.

Video 3. Sleep & Elimination – The two most important things you need to monitor each day.

Video 4. Pre-Bed Routine – To wind down each day, you must follow a specific routine to help you sleep. A pre bed routine will teach your cortisol hormones to switch off at night so you can sleep. But there is an art to it, and it’s something that must be followed closely.

Video 5. Stress – Stress is an absolute killer for your results. Small amounts of stress is ok, but ongoing stress will suppress the immune system. I am focusing on unresolved emotional stress here as this is an area often overlooked. But work stress, food stress and a fast paced non stop lifestyle contributes to this problem too.

Video 6. Gut Bacteria – Your gut bacteria helps digest your food and create key mood stabilising hormones and even sleep hormones. Here’s how to maximise the function of your gut colony.

Video 7. Animal Protein – Animal protein is very filling, but it can be tough to digest if you have a stressful lifestyle and have low hydrochloric acid to digest it. Here’s how much animal protein to consume daily to help you to achieve your goal. Also there is a key trick that you need to follow every week to maintain a good metabolism. Not many people know this, so it’s really important that you check this out. If you are following Heidi’s Plant Based meal plan, then you don’t have to have animal protein.

Video 8. Fasting – Fasting is great for some people, but terrible for others. Is it good for you? I’ll tell you in this video.

Video 9. Water Target – How much water should you drink? I’ll answer that here, plus a key ingredient to add to your water each day to fast track your healing.

Video 10. Exercise – High intensity training is good for some people, but terrible for others. Most people will be fine to exercise with walking, but if you want to push yourself harder, how do you know which level of intensity you should train at?

Video 11. Supplementation – These are supplements that I recommend for all my clients. They cover so many bases for so many health issues and will boost your immune system. If you are on medication, these should not be an issue but do check with the pharmacist/chemist first.

Video 12: Solving Menopause Symptoms. This video will help you understand how a liver that is sluggish can result in Menopause symptoms. What impacts your liver? Viral & bacterial issues that can flare up with a poor diet and hormonal changes, too much lifestyle stress (adrenaline), and a build up of toxins throughout many years. Reversing Menopause symptoms is about doing something different to what you are currently doing. Gradual improvements and adjustments will serve you well into the future. Have faith, trust me, and trust that the changes you are about to embark on will serve you and yield the results you are after.

Video 13: The last video, Steve runs you through the 12 week habit builder. This helps you to identify the most important habits you need to practice right now, instead of trying to do everything all at once. During our one to one sess, we’ll help you to break these habits into more manageable micro habits.

It’s Time To Take Action. You have enough information now to get started on your journey. It is now up to you to roll up your sleeves and take action. Go to it!