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Your Coaching Videos Start Here

Understanding your Adrenal Stress Quiz Results
In this video I help you understand the symptoms associated with each level of adrenal dysfunction. You must complete your Adrenal Stress Quiz first before watching the video. (The Adrenal Stress Quiz is in the Brain Fit zip folder you just downloaded).

Five Functional Pillars & Detox Symptoms

There are five functional pillars of health that you must follow to restore your mental function and reduce symptoms. Steve explains more here. Also detox symptoms may also pop u along your journey.

You can follow along with your manual if you like.

Rule 1. Clean The Liver to Live Longer

To help your brain function, you must restore liver function. Steve explains this critical step in more detail below.

Rule 2. Sleep Well, Heal Quickly

To wind down each day, you must follow a specific routine to help you sleep. A pre bed routine will teach your cortisol hormones to switch off at night so you can sleep. But there is an art to it, and it’s something that must be followed closely.

Rule 3. Drink 2.5 to 3 litres per day

Hydration opens your circulatory system which delivers nutrients to the working organs and removes toxins from the body. This step is super critical to your success.

Rule 4. Gut Function

Your gut bacteria helps digest your food and create key mood stabilising hormones and even sleep hormones. Here’s how to maximise the function of your gut colony.

Rule 5. Follow the Food Plan

There are a few foods here that are very unhelpful when you are suffering. Steve will discuss that, plus how animal protein fits in, and reason you need to follow a low fat diet.

Rule 6. Address The Root Cause Of Your Stress

Stress is an absolute killer for your results. Small amounts of stress is ok, but ongoing stress will suppress the immune system. I am focusing on unresolved emotional stress here as this is an area often overlooked. But work stress, food stress and a fast paced non stop lifestyle contributes to this problem too.

7. Supplements

The supplements you choose can have a vast effect on your results moving forward. Here’s what we recommend you start with and why.

8. Exercise

In this video Steve discusses what type of exercise you should do to reduce your symptoms.

9. Coffee & Alcohol

Many people self medicate with coffee and alcohol to overcome poor sleep, to boost their energy and to try and unwind after a big day. The reality though is that these habits will simply create more problems and prevent you from healing.

10. Have a Cheat Meal

You need to have a cheat meal each week. This gives you a mental break and some freedom to relax a little.

It’s Time To Take Action. You have enough information now to get started on your journey. It is now up to you to roll up your sleeves and take action. Go to it!