Four Reasons to Quit Dairy For Good

Blogs By Heidi

I know you probably love your yoghurt and cheese, but we must get the message out there that dairy products are creating a lot of problems for the human body. I have a long, personal experience with dairy products creating significant problems in my body (including asthma, eczema and hayfever), and it’s just one of those foods that isn’t doing anyone any good.

When someone works with either Steve or myself, dairy is one of the foods we remove immediately from their diet. Sometimes this isn’t popular, but soon enough our clients realise they are starting to recover and get their health back. I can’t recall a single client who willingly goes back to consuming dairy products once they’ve finished my coaching programme.

Here are four reasons to quit dairy for good:


1.It creates an inflammatory response in the body. This is particularly important to know for people who live with any sort of pain – anything from arthritis or gout, to muscular or joint pain, to chronic pain initially caused by a structural injury. It is very common for pain to simply diminish or disappear altogether when dairy products are removed from the diet.

2. It is mucus-forming. Mucus is actually a protective mechanism that the body creates to protect you from inflammation and the ‘bad acids’ (reflux) that foods typical on the Standard American Diet (SAD) create. Mucus accumulates predominantly around the throat, nose and ears, creating everything from heavy snoring, asthma, ear and sinus infections, general congestion and having to clear your throat regularly when you speak.

3. It is cancer-causing. There is plenty of evidence-based research out there now to show that casein (a protein in cow’s milk) is carcinogenic, even more so than noxious chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. Casein creates a biochemical response in the body which elevates growth hormones and is acid-forming. It has been found that removing casein from the diet can effectively ‘turn off’ the development of foci (pre-cancerous tumours). If you are someone who loves evidence-based research and data, have a read of The China Study by Dr T. Colin Campbell.

4. It feeds viral activity in the body. This is an area not explored much by conventional medicine, but is something we delve into within our coaching practice. We have realised that underlying viral, pathogenic and bacterial activity in the body create an awful lot of modern-day health conditions and symptoms. And guess what? Viruses love dairy products – in fact they thrive on them. So it’s important to remove that fuel source for the virus, and therefore initiate recovery in the body.

Time and time again our clients watch in awe as they remove ‘trouble-makers’ from their diet, (of which dairy products is one) and feel better than ever.

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